At Baptism we are all called to "serve Christ in all persons." Everyone has gifts that can be used for the building up of the Body that is the church. Parish Ministries are open to all parishioners and include:
LITURGICAL MINISTRY - Parishioners serve as Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Readers, Ushers, Greeters and Altar Guild members. All present have an active role in our liturgical celebrations.
HEALING TEAM - During Mass as communion is being administered, a Prayer Team is available for those who would like prayer for healing or their personal needs. Sacramental Anointing is available at the quarterly Healing/Reconciliation Service or by request at any time. Hospitalized parishioners are encouraged to inform the parish clergy of this situation as soon as possible.
MUSIC MINISTRY - A talented group of musicians and singers lead our parish family in vibrant songs of praise and hymns at our liturgies which enhances our worship as a community of Faith. St Augustine reminds us "whoever sings prays twice."
COMMUNITY SUPPER - Community Suppers offer parishioners a unique opportunity to serve others. Parishioners participate in the set-up, cook, serve the meal, and clean up. It is a great opportunity for parishioners to work together and get to know each other better while living out the Gospel, "I was hungry and you gave me food" (Matthew 25: 35).
PRAYER MINISTRY - Our prayer needs are shared in a list that is included in the Sunday Bulletins so that we can pray for these needs in our daily prayer. During the Prayers of the People each Sunday all are invited to add their prayer needs. A telephone/internet notification system can be activated for immediate needs.
NEWSLETTER - Our Newsletter is published four times a year as a primary resource for communication. Parishioners are encouraged to write articles of interest and our Calendar covering all parish activities for three months is included. Events and programs in the Parish and the Diocese are highlighted.