What is a Member/Disciple?
At Trinity a Member/Disciple is a person who:
1) IS BAPTIZED - The Sacrament of Baptism is the initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body, the Church. In Baptism we are united with Jesus in His death and resurrection and we are made inheritors of His kingdom.
2) ATTENDS REGULARLY - Gathering weekly at the Lord's Table to share the Sacrament of Jesus' own Body and Blood is the norm in response to Jesus' command "Do this to remember me." As a community our relationship with Jesus Christ is strengthened and nourished as we share in the eternal banquet He prepares for us.
3) SUPPORTS THE CHURCH FINANCIALLY - Our goal is to give 10% of our time, talent, and treasure to support the mission of the parish. No one will ever be turned away for lack of finances.
4) TAKES AN ACTIVE PART IN MINISTRY - Everyone has God given gifts that can be used for the building up of the Body. All who are baptized are called to ministry, truly to be "disciples making disciples". Trinity has opportunities for everyone to be involved in some form of ministry.